Pain is always a good guide but should not be the only guide. One should be able to maintain an active lifestyle such as playing sports when having symptoms of sciatica but the decision regarding restriction of activities should not be made as generalized rule and should always be individualized. How one manages their symptoms will play a significant role. The symptoms may get worse with age but they may also get better with age. Sciatica can affect people of almost any age except the very young. Sciatic nerve pain radiates along the same path. These nerves branch outward from the spine and then come together at each buttock to form the sciatic nerve, which then radiates down each leg. Sciatic nerves originate from several nerves in your lower back. Sciatica is an irritation of the sciatic nerve, which is the largest nerve in the human body. When should I see a doctor for sciatica?.What should I do if I think I have sciatica?.